Friday, December 12, 2008


The Bulldogs is a team in the NRL. They really work hard .But they have just lost one of there best players called Sonny Bill Williams.He was a good player he was good at running pretty fast and he was solid.He put on one of the best hits in leauge.
They had Two other good players called Ben Roberts and Matt utai one of them are good at kicking , steping and playmacking.The other one is fast and good at jumping.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Look at me and my freinds we are really good at swimming.But we could fix some gaps up. But we try our best here are some highlights i hope you enjoy it . We swam at YMCA in auckland New Zealands In Gi.


Last Friday it was a go for green film festival at our school. This was my freinds movie my freinds were Zane,Jonty,Brendon And Jacob and i was the camra man.