The Title Tim Berners-Lee, (WWW) World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee Invented the WWW (World Wide Web), ever since he invented the WWW the world has changed enormously in communicating because it has gone more faster. In the 21st century we can e-mail, video chat and blog.
Tim Berners-Lee was born on 1955 on June 8th in London,England. He graduated at queens collage at oxford university. Tim Berners-Lee is still alive living a happy life developing the internet.
July,1996-he was awarded a Distinguished Fellowship of the British Computer Society
August 2002 - www.google.com says there are at least 2,469,940,685 web pages
April 2004 - www.google.com says there are at least 6,000,000,000 web pages
April 2005 - Google - Searching 8,058,044,651 web pages
He created the first hypertext system “Enquire” in 1980.
Tim B-L is living a happy retired life. Possible further information.
Tim Berners-Lee’s invention made communicating easier and faster. The internet has made communicating faster and better because it is instant. You can also share your work on the internet for the whole wide world to see. The WWW helps us find and share information it is a very handy tool. Tim Berners Lee Invention has changed the way people think.
http://www.thocp.net/biographies/berners_lee.html (accesed 16 June 2011)
http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventors/berners-lee.htm (accessed 22 june 2011).
The Title Tim Berners-Lee, (WWW) World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee Invented the WWW (World Wide Web), ever since he invented the WWW the world has changed enormously in communicating because it has gone more faster. In the 21st century we can e-mail, video chat and blog.
Tim Berners-Lee was born on 1955 on June 8th in London,England. He graduated at queens collage at oxford university. Tim Berners-Lee is still alive living a happy life developing the internet.
July,1996-he was awarded a Distinguished Fellowship of the British Computer Society
August 2002 - www.google.com says there are at least 2,469,940,685 web pages
April 2004 - www.google.com says there are at least 6,000,000,000 web pages
April 2005 - Google - Searching 8,058,044,651 web pages
He created the first hypertext system “Enquire” in 1980.
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