Tennis is a interesting and competative sport, when I had my first session of tennis I was unexcited because I didn't like wacthing Tennis because I thought it was boring just hitting the ball from one side of the court to the other side. But I haven`t actually played it so when i started playing it I enjoyed it alot.
Today was my seconed session of playing tennis I was looking forward to it this time, we had a little tournament to see what group of students were the best tennis players in our class. Our group started of on the topside of the court and I thought we would win the tournament go through undefeated and stay champions,but it was a different story. On my turn I served the ball to my oppenent he hit it back and I was linning up the ball for a good hit I slamed it but unfortunally into the net! I was dissapointed of my hit. We lost that macth and so we got droped into the lower ranked court. I was expecting more from our group.
I was determaind for revenge and was ready to unleash the Rafal Nadal like player inside me. I was first up i serevd the ball and it came straight back at me i slamed it straight back but yet again it came back, I chased the ball and hit it into the top right corner that won the game for us!!! I was happy with myself. BUT! Our trainer Marcelle didn`t belive that we won and gave the opossing team the win and a trip to the 1st ranked court.
Tennis is now one of my favourite sports to play. Even though the rain delayed our tournament a bit and even though we didn`t come anywhere in the tournament I still had fun and enjoyed our session with Marcelle (Instructor). Even though that i think that Tennis is a boring sport to watch it is a fun sport to be apart of and play. I can`t wait until our next session of Tennis.