The first car was invented by Karl Benz, They were very different from todays cars.
Cars today come in all sorts of different sizes. Some are the sizes of Blue Whale even some come as the shape of a bicycle. Today’s cars have improved Tremendously like they have more like ford, Holden and Mercedes. Cars come as the shape of a Bicycle and come with two wheels.
in the future I think that cars will be able to fly and to go under water.I hope in that in the future the cars can be Bigger, Better, Stronger, Faster.
The first car was invented by Karl Benz, They were very different from todays cars.
Cars today come in all sorts of different sizes. Some are the sizes of Blue Whale even some come as the shape of a bicycle. Today’s cars have improved Tremendously like they have more like ford, Holden and Mercedes. Cars come as the shape of a Bicycle and come with two wheels.
in the future I think that cars will be able to fly and to go under water.I hope in that in the future the cars can be Bigger, Better, Stronger, Faster.