This term we are studying about dinosaurs. I am going to talk about the Velociraptor. The Velociraptor was fierce, fast infact it was one of the fastest dinosaurs. It was a meat-eater and it lived in the late Cretaceous period.
It had 80 sharp teeth and claws on all fingers and toes. The velociraptor could of been found up to 5 to 6 feet long.
Then we studied abut the Triceratops. it is a herbivore which means it is a plant eater. It ate low lying plants like bushes. It could not reach the leaves of a tree because it is so short. It looks like a bull with horns attached to its head. It is very slow and it was probably the slowest out of all of them.
So that was the end about me telling you about the Velociraptor and the Triceratops's.